BetQuit App was founded with the concept of protecting people, individiuals and their families from one of biggest and worst addiction called GAMBLING. After looking into the lives of very close people we realized that in the whole world there are many people who all are looking for some wayout to get rid of this worst enemy of their life to save and protect themselves.
Our motive is protect people from Problem Gambling and give them a new normal life back. It's quite easy to adopt some bad habit but it's really hard to quit the same and so we have came with such and easy and simple applicatons for every platform i.e. Android, iPhone, Mac & Windows which will stop the gambling access.
BetQuit gives you a very fast filtering of blocked websites and blocks them in fraction of seconds.
To make it more user friendly, We have developed this application's uses and installation much easier.
We are improving It with every single day & you deserve the latest updates which is 100% Free.
Say bid adieu to complex designs, we have made it very clean & user friendly for you.
You found some new URLs on the web? We give you authority to add the URLs into our database.
We provide full support with every purchase all along the subscription period with no extra cost.